Lower Limb Deep Vein Thrombosis Vascular Ultrasound

Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagram.jpg

What is a vascular ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a non-invasive test that helps your doctor diagnose and treat your medical problem. By using very high frequency sound waves the ultrasound machine can form images of the inside of your body. For vascular ultrasound this involves creating images of the blood vessels within your body.

Why would I need a vascular ultrasound of the lower limb Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Your doctor may ask you to have a Vascular Ultrasound of the veins in your legs to check for thrombus for many reasons. Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis can vary widely however a typical case will involve sudden leg swelling and discomfort, usually in the muscles below your knee. Often people who have been immobile for a period of time are at higher risk of a deep vein thrombosis.

Is there any preparation I need to undertake before my vascular ultrasound?

There is no preparation necessary for your vascular ultrasound - you just need to turn up to your appointment.

What clothes do I need to remove?

During the vascular ultrasound of the lower limb Deep Vein Thrombosis we will need to be able to access the skin from your ribs to your toes. You will need to remove your trousers/skirt, shoes and socks but you must keep your underwear on. During this scan we will take the blood pressure in your ankles as well as your arms so we will also need to be able to access your upper arms.

What are you looking for during a vascular ultrasound of the lower limb Deep Vein Thrombosis?

When we undertake a vascular ultrasound of the veins in your leg, we are checking the veins that return the blood from your legs back to your abdomen. There are two sets of veins in the legs that we will investigate, the first and most important are the deep veins and the second are the superficial veins. These veins can become blocked or partially blocked with thrombus and this is what the doctors can be concerned about.

What happens during the vascular ultrasound?

During the vascular ultrasound you will need to lie down. In order to identify the thrombus the sonographer will have to push firmly on the veins throughout the leg and unfortunately this can be uncomfortable if your legs are already tender. The sonographer will do their best to keep any discomfort to a minimum.

How long will the vascular ultrasound take?

A vascular ultrasound of the lower limb Deep Vein Thrombosis takes around 20-30 minutes to perform per leg.