Upper Limb Arterial Vascular Ultrasound

Vascular Ultrasound of Upper Limb Arterial.jpg

What is a vascular ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a non-invasive test that helps your doctor diagnose and treat your medical problem. By using very high frequency sound waves the ultrasound machine can form images of the inside of your body. For vascular ultrasound this involves creating images of the blood vessels within your body.

Why would I need a vascular ultrasound of my upper limb arteries?

You may need to have a vascular ultrasound of your upper limb arterial because you have any symptoms that could indicate that there has been an embolic (thrombus breaking free and travelling down to your fingers) event or if your Doctor has concerns that your arm, hand or fingers may be ischaemic (this means that there is insufficient blood flow reaching your fingers).

Is there any preparation I need to undertake before my vascular ultrasound?

There is no preparation necessary for your vascular ultrasound - you just need to turn up to your appointment.

What clothes do I need to remove?

If your clothing restricts access to your upper arms, you may need to take of your shirt to perform the ultrasound.

What are you looking for during a vascular ultrasound of my upper limb arteries?

When we undertake a vascular ultrasound of your upper limb arterial, we are trying to identify any narrowing or blockage of the any of the arteries in your upper limb between your wrist and your lower neck.

What happens during the vascular ultrasound?

The sonographer will position you so that your arm can be imaged from your neck to your wrist. They will then track the arteries all the way along your arm.

How long will the vascular ultrasound take?

A vascular ultrasound of the upper limb arterial takes around 15-30 minutes to perform per arm.